Joined Arm The Pit
February 1, 2015
Hometown: San Francisco, California
Genre: Rock
Record Label: Unsigned
Band Members
About Us

Beta Ray was born in Oakland, CA, in November of 2012 but relocated in San Francisco in March of 2014.

MIG is the singer/rhythm guitarist and fearless leader. Born in San Francisco, CA he is the voice of attention and the formula-1 songwriter of catchy pop/rock fire, he will touch one or of many in attendance with his presence, confidence and charisma. True to form of a frontman.

James (aka: JAMERS) is the drummer and backbone to the nerve center of this core team of musical talent. Born in San Francisco, CA, he anchors the sound methodically and is the lethal judge, jury and execution in massive attack modes and focused deliveries. The wild child of sticks and hits meets self-control action.

Al (aka: LIGHTENING) is the bassist, who brings the fat and thunderous shake to the mind, heart and soul. Born in Maine, he will mesmerize the eyes with his physical energy, notes of melodic flare and moments of flash to his spitfire-fret work. The bottom feeder of thick and heavy.

Scott (aka: SOLO) is the final element to this champion of rock bands. Born in Maryland, his lead guitar emits sonic waves to electrify the world around him and beyond with a whisper to the ear or in your face hypnotic control. Guitar gods raise their fists in the air when he enters the rock arena. A true defender of the six-stringed sword to wield and a hero and faith healer to the ax lovers.


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