Do you have a title for the upcoming cd?
Abisso. Well, the concept of the album is about a man, falling in his inner abyss (which is Abisso in English) because of his terminal illness.
Is this your first CD and if not, how will this one be different from the others?
I had released a demo album, named Winter Eternal. And lately it’s been out a split album, with HaatE, entitled Where Mountains Pierce The Nightsky. Well, both these records are quite different from each other. The first, Winter Eternal has more death metal influences, while the split album is a way more ambient and atmospheric, and also more black metal influenced. Abisso instead, could be seen as a point standing in between these two albums.
Have you written all the songs or will you be writing them as you record?
Yes, usually I do in the first way. But sometimes happens that I change things just when I’m recording.
Walk us thru the process of writing your music?
Most of times everything is born while I’m jamming with my guitar. If I notice some cool melodies, and or riffs, I write them down. Afterwards I take those riffs and put them together, adding the melody, the bass, the drums etc. and only at the end I add the vocals. It’s seem so easy, but sometimes it could take up to a couple of months for me to finish up a song.
Where will you be recording and why?
I record in my little home studio, The WeakLight Studio (as I’m used to call it). And…of course because it’s in my house, how could it be more comfortable than this?
How are you paying for your recording?
I pay almost nothing (of course), for the recording per se.
Will you have a producer or will you self-produce? If so, what kind of input will the producer have. If your self-producing, why?
I’m self-produced, and why? Well, because I’ve the ultimate freedom for making my music just the way I want it.
Will you try to capture your "live sound" or are you going for something else?
Yes, I did. I believe that live sounds are way more emotional and expressive. Also I try to keep, as the good ones, the first few recording takes, instead to go over a particular part over and over again. In my opinion at the beginning of a recording you’re more focused on what you’re doing and this will reflect in quality and power for the performance.
Does your record label have any input into the music you'll be recording?
Nope, they didn’t. They gave carte blanche, and I’m glad they did.
When can we expect the CD to be available?
Yeah, of course I am. But, honestly, looking back I could have made some little changes in the arrangement and in the post-production as well.
Where will we be able to pick up a copy?
When the album will be out you will be able to purchase it at Black Plague Records webstore, of course, and possibly also from my personal webstore:
Will you be touring to promote your CD?
No I won’t. Actually I’m not interesting in doing live gigs, I’d rather prefer to go on with my studio activity and to compose and record new stuff.
Would rather be recording or playing live shows?
Recording, no doubt at all.
Anything that you'd like to say to your fans while they wait for the album to come out?
Well, I’d really like to thank each and every one of them. I couldn’t go on with Chiral without you. Follow me on both Facebook: and Twitter: if you like. Also check my official website at:
Finally I’d like to thank you from Arm The Pit for giving me the possibility for spreading the word.
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